As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, we know that it’s having varying effects on our customers’ businesses. As states continue to mandate business closures amid the crisis, we recognize that your access to technical resources may be affected. This may be due to illness of key personnel, contractors being unable or unwilling to travel, etc. We want you to know that we are continuing to serve our clients, while following local and national guidelines to slow the spread of coronavirus.
We understand that you are having to make some very difficult decisions in the interest of the safety of your workers and the communities you belong to.
As we support critical industries such as consumer goods, food & beverage, parcel & fulfillment, life sciences, data centers, mission critical infrastructure, and steel we are hearing from clients throughout the country who are in need of assistance with time-sensitive projects to support ongoing, sudden, or even urgent demands.
With 14 offices and over 400 automation professionals on staff, chances are we have resources within driving distance of your facility. If we can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Although we are still hard at work, we too have many of our people currently working remotely. In the event you are unable to reach your normal E Technologies Group point of contact, please submit your contact information and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. We are here to ensure that you get the help that you need. These may be uncertain times, but we will get through them together.