A Winery’s Journey to Automated Brix Monitoring with IFM Integration

A leading California winery successfully overcame manual sampling inefficiencies by implementing an IFM Integration project, achieving fully automated in-tank brix monitoring with precision and expertise.

Our recent addition, Automation Group, an E Tech Group Company, completed this case study. A summarized version is below. Click here to read the full case study on their site.


A California winery faced operational inefficiencies with manual wine sampling and turned to Automation Group, an E Tech Group Company for an IFM integration project. The goal was a seamless transition to fully automated brix monitoring. Our proposed solution involved IO Link Masters for Modbus TCP data retrieval and two durable NEMA 4x stainless steel enclosures. The customer chose us because of our proven expertise in IO Link Platform and reliable solutions.


The project team partnered with IFM and a research university to verify the precision of a new pressure transmitter for accurate brix measurements. Our team worked with the winery’s maintenance team to secure space for control panels and collaborated with Tanknet for integration. An IO Link Master was set up for communication through Modbus, leading to successful implementation of the automated brix monitoring system.


We successfully acquired brix measurements within the tanks and integrated Modbus IO Link Masters into the system, meeting the customer’s goals for automated brix monitoring. Our team’s expertise and collaboration resulted in a positive outcome.