Transitioning from Black Box Solutions to Flexible and Integrated Systems

Author contributor: Group Engineering Manager, Melissa Bruno

E Tech Group is seeing a trend across industries as more and more clients are progressing on their digital transformation journey –  a transition away from traditional black box solutions to open-source and flexible integrated systems. This is a result of clients wanting more ownership of their systems and the desire for more customizable system data.

Industrial clients initially embraced black-box solutions. These pre-packaged systems required minimal user intervention and offered a compelling combination of benefits including streamlined deployment, competitive pricing, proven reliability, and minimal maintenance requirements.

At the time of installation, many of these systems were state-of-the-art. However, with automation technology advancing rapidly, these once-desired systems are now hindering further advancement.

Industrial facilities are now moving to more client-customized solutions.

Clients are opting to replace black-box solutions with more flexible, transparent, and integrated systems for several reasons:

  1. Desire for System Ownership: Clients want to own their systems outright to avoid dependence on original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) for support, upgrades, and modifications. This independence allows for more control over their technology and operations.
  2. Need for Customization: As industries evolve, the need for tailored solutions that can adapt to specific operational requirements has become paramount. Black box solutions, with their fixed functionalities, often fall short of meeting these dynamic needs.
  3. Integration Challenges: Modern industrial environments require seamless integration across various systems to enable better data flow and analytics. Black box solutions, designed to operate in isolation, often hinder this level of integration.
  4. Transparency and Control: Industries are increasingly prioritizing transparency and control over their processes. Black box solutions, by nature, obscure the internal workings of the system, making it difficult for users to understand and modify the operations as needed.
  5. Data Ownership: Industrial clients have a strong desire to own and control their data. Black box solutions often limit access to data, making it challenging for clients to leverage their information fully for decision-making and process improvements.
  6. Advanced Technologies: The advent of modern technologies such as IoT, AI, and advanced analytics necessitates systems that can leverage these innovations. Customizable and open systems provide the flexibility needed to integrate these technologies effectively.
  7. Long-Term Costs: Long-term expenses for black box solutions can be higher due to limited scalability, lack of long-term OEM support, and the need for eventual replacements. Custom solutions offer better ROI by adapting to changing needs and reducing future upgrade costs.

Why E Tech Group is Qualified to Remove Black Box Solutions

E Tech Group has the expertise to assist in the removal of black box solutions due to our technology-agnostic approach and comprehensive capabilities. As a main automation partner, we take a holistic view of a facility, ensuring that all aspects of the operation are considered when implementing new systems. This comprehensive approach allows us to integrate the most suitable technologies, ensuring smooth operation and maximum efficiency.

Our technology-agnostic stance means we are not tied to any single vendor or solution, allowing us to recommend and implement the best possible technologies for each client’s unique needs. This flexibility ensures that our clients receive tailored solutions that align with their operational goals and provide the control and transparency they require.


The shift towards transparent solutions is motivated by the necessity for increased adaptability, integration, control, and data ownership in industrial operations. With technological advancements, industrial clients seek systems that not only fulfill current requirements but also have the ability to meet future challenges. This makes customizable and open-source solutions the new preferred choice. E Tech Group operates with a comprehensive understanding of facility operations from both the IT and OT perspective and brings unbiased technology-agnostic expertise to assist clients during this transition, ensuring that their systems are ready for the future and fully under their control.

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