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E Tech Group Engineering Manager Presenting in Plant Engineering Webcast

E Tech Group Engineering Manager, Steve Scheffler is co-presenting a Plant Engineering Webcast on Tuesday, April 23rd. The webcast is called: Motors and Drives: Are you advancing automation efficiencies with smarter components, systems? The presentation will discuss how a more efficient motor in automation applications can help advance efficiency goals. A smarter variable frequency drive (VFD) also can add efficiency to automated implementations. Motion-control designs can help reduce friction. Don’t overlook overall system-level design for motion-control efficiencies that can advance energy savings, sustainability efforts, maintenance and realize other benefits. The learning objectives for this webcast are: Automation and engineering professionals can earn 1 Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) upon successful completion of an exam. E Tech Group is committed to advancing the manufacturing industry through innovation in the automation sector. Our engineers and IT professionals always strive to further their professional development as well as the development of colleagues and partners via industry forums like these. To learn more about E Tech Group news and knowledges, visit our blog or browse our case studies.

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Pig Iron Caster Project Pours Hot Metal Ahead of Schedule

E Tech Group’s role shifted to that of a Main Automation Partner for a metals project with an ever-evolving scope of work. Our team effectively managed risks and delays, communicated changes promptly, and maintained a strict timeline, which ultimately enabled the client to complete the metal pouring process ahead of schedule.

The Project: Expand a Production Line to Meet Increased Steel Demand

A metal processing facility was developing a project to install a Pig Iron Caster with the goal of producing half a million tons of pig iron per year to meet rising demand and prices. They would be utilizing the existing blast furnace to feed this new installation, but would need to source the Pig Iron Caster, Bag House components and other heavy machinery, while simultaneously sourcing all required permits.

Once received and installed, the equipment would need to have all of the process control systems integrated and centralized through the control of an integrated HMI.  This is where E Tech Group was called upon to function as what they had originally termed an “Umbrella Integrator”, helping bring all these disparate systems together and create a seamless user experience for field operators.

However, as with many control system expansions and upgrades, it quickly evolved into much more.

The Challenge: Overcome Supply Chain Delays & a Fast-Tracked Timeline

At a time when supply chain issues plagued most if not all industries, getting a single piece of machinery to install, test and move to the next as they would in front-end loading (FEL) wasn’t practical to maintain the identified timeline. So they pivoted to a fast-track approach.

Fast-tracking the automation system expansion meant we had less time to review and less engineering documentation available, as the pig caster and baghouse needed to be ordered in parallel. This approach, as opposed to the traditional, rigorous review process that preceded the ordering of any large equipment, meant ensuring minimal alterations during installation would pose a challenge, to say the least.

In order to best navigate the intersection of supply chain woes and a ticking clock, as construction began, it did so with limited and early design while detail engineering was still being drafted. This meant that extra care had to be taken with the early design to avoid any major disruption.

Due to the nature of the project, the schedule unavoidably continued to undergo incremental changes as potential challenges were identified… keeping all stakeholders up to date, open and constant communication was necessary to mitigate any delays. Thankfully, this type of communication is something E Tech Group brings to every automation project we undertake, so even in a constrained timeline and long waits on equipment, we were in our wheelhouse.

Changing Roles: From Umbrella Integrator to Hybrid Project Manager & Main Automation Partner

While E Tech Group was originally contracted to work within the role of an “Umbrella Integrator”, perpetually evolving project conditions would dictate that the team worked in a flexible role that transformed into more of a Hybrid Project Manager and Main Automation Partner.

Very early on, the client determined that the original plan for the critical ladle tilting component, controlling the pour rate of molten steel, would not work in its manual configuration.  Our team worked quickly to create an automated solution for this piece that would allow it to function as required.

Recognizing E Tech Group’s ability to lead and problem solve, the team was asked to work in the interest of the client to not only complete what we were originally contracted but move the project forward to the finish. 

The Solution: (Always) Go Above & Beyond for the Client

Control panel design should always be informed by the to-be operators; it ensures the client is able to take full advantage the advanced automation solution implemented by our team. Our automation engineers worked with all of the field operators to better understand their wants and needs. This helped develop the scope necessary in the creation and integration of the control solution they would all be using, ensuring it felt like one cohesive system.

Using the defined scope, the on-site team took points, evaluated and worked with the individual vendors. They then reviewed the vendor’s individual prints, programs and HMIs. The team also helped facilitate factory and site acceptance testing and provided onsite resources for other vendors for dry testing. 

 All of this fell outside of our original scope of work, but allowed the team to continue building trust with the client and functioning as a main automation partner for the length of this project.

The Result: Open Communication & Client Partnership Drove Success   

Due to the nature of this project, the escalated timeline, supply chain issues, and shorter-than-normal lead time for engineering design, there were a number of changes that needed to be made. Our team was not only effective in quickly adapting in moving this project to the finish line but also in communicating changes in the timeline that would impact deliverables. 

The client was truly appreciative of how the team and E Tech Group as a whole worked with them in helping make the best decision in the interest of the project while simultaneously executing and helping get them operational.

Pouring Metal Ahead of Schedule!

Because the team actively mitigated risk and delays, quickly communicated changes, and worked steadily to maintain this very escalated timeline, the client was able to pour metal almost a quarter ahead of schedule.

Our team truly performed outside their traditional scope of work, above  expectation, and was there for the client from beginning to end. This is why they were asked to stay onsite and continue to help identify potential risks and opportunities. E Tech Group continues to mitigate unforeseen risks and help capitalize on opportunities that have yet to be unlocked in their machinery.

How to Ensure Useful Data Extraction from a PI Historian System 

Data is an ever-present and growing benchmark in all industries. However, sometimes it may feel like it’s cloaked in mystery. There’s often a question of, why is collecting process data important? You then start to go down the rabbit hole trying to answer…..How do you get data out of your equipment? How do you decide what to collect? After assessing the previous questions, how do you test, and if necessary, validate that all of that data is being collected as expected? Understanding a holistic approach to data collection and validation from an AVEVA PI Historian System can help provide a high-level, big picture understanding to the importance of process data. With more than 10 years’ experience as a group engineering manager, Matt Martin has a depth of experience with integrating AVEVA PI Systems within sites of various sizes – here’s what I’ve learned: Why is the Importance of Data Increasing?  The “why” question is the easiest one to answer. Everyone can agree that in the era of modern manufacturing, extracting data from your manufacturing processes is critical to a business’s success and ability to grow. This includes every level of production and management: Provides the operator at the plant floor level the ability to adjust and better control the manufacturing process on the fly Allows engineers better insight into trends and behaviors of the overall process to improve designs from both a throughput and efficiency standpoint Produces KPIs (key performance indicators) for managers and executives to assist in their decision making Having large representative data sets is becoming even more important with the advent of AI and more specifically machine learning. Allowing these technologies access to your systems data helps identify patterns, overall system behavior, and correlations that were previously near impossible for the human eye to uncover.  Now, How … Continued

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Are You Applying Edge Computing Technologies Properly?

The original version of this article originally appeared on In the Control Engineering webcast, “Edge series: Edge Computing Applications,” Jeffrey Allen, applications engineering manager at E Tech Group, and Nate Kay, control systems engineer at MartinCSI, explained how edge computing applications can be used for mission-critical, high-reliability automation and control applications. The webcast is archived for a year from the July 19, 2023, broadcast date. Edge Computing Insights: Edge computing can help enterprise resource planning (ERP) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) applications. Edge computing, as applied in a chemical plant, is providing benefits that can be replicated in other industrial edge computing applications. Challenges and some other considerations related to edge computing were covered in a July 19, 2023, Control Engineering webcast, archived for a year. Edge Computing Can Be a Valuable Asset Edge computing is increasingly proving itself to be a powerful asset in enabling mission-critical, high-reliability automation and control applications. By allowing data to be processed as close as possible to where it is generated, edge computing enables faster processing, empowering operators to respond to changing production conditions in real-time. Moreover, it allows sensitive data to remain onsite, rather than being sent to the cloud for further analysis, thus increasing security while saving on wide area network (WAN) costs. These topics and others were discussed in a July 19 Control Engineering webcast, “Edge series: Edge computing applications.”  The webcast featured Jeffrey Allen, applications engineering manager at E Tech Group, and Nate Kay, control systems engineer at MartinCSI, as speakers. A preview of some of the information covered is provided below. Edge computing: ERP to SCADA Applications A common scenario in industrial facilities is for plant level operators to be required to input data from a business level Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) into a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that is … Continued

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