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Maximizing a Distribution Center’s Capacity with Custom PLC Software

A global parcel services provider needed a custom PLC program for their sortation systems. E Tech Group provided PLC program development, troubleshooting and system start-up to meet a tight timeline and improve productivity.

The Project: Improve Efficiency with Material Handling Automation

E-commerce growth and expedited shipping demands have posed challenges for distribution centers. To keep up, many centers are implementing automation solutions to maximize throughput and reduce fault recovery time.

A global parcel services leader outsourced PLC program development for their sortation systems, but faced a tight timeline. E Tech Group was hired to quickly develop and troubleshoot the programs, as well as lead system startup and testing.

The Solution: Create a Custom PLC Sorting Solution

The parcel operations required extensive fault monitoring and suppression, as well as package flow rate tracking, to maximize throughput and reduce system downtime. E Tech Group prioritized the commission of the primary sorter systems, including diagnosing and correcting errors and setting up communication between the PLC and the customer’s warehouse management system. They also set up numerous conveyor belts that were required to run with the package tracking logic.

The Results: Maximized Operations on a Quick Turnaround

E Tech Group completed changes to the primary sorter systems and stayed on board to support testing and commissioning of the remaining parts of the primary sorter line. With our programming support, the system became fully operational within a few months. This helped the parcel services leader to maximize its large-scale distribution center operations. As a result, E Tech Group was later invited to lead the development, startup and testing of the second phase that included an additional five sortation systems.

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Diagnosing a Lift Table Motor Burnout for a Distribution Center

A material handling customer had been experiencing motor failures on hydraulic lift tables in their distribution centers. E Tech Group helped their team identify the problem and correct the malfunction with a signal delay timer.

The Project: Stop a Distribution Center Dilemma that was Hemorrhaging Money

Our partner, Wynright, asked that we get involved to help to pinpoint the exact issue causing $160K a month loss in failed motors and hours of downtime at one of their distribution centers. During the process review with the customer and distribution center associates, it was determined that the failures were likely due to excessive cycling of the on/off state of the motor. 

The cycling was a direct result of the hard contact of a foot switch provided to the line associates to raise the lift table. In a normal working position, the associate would stand with one foot on the switch and the normal shift of weight as packages are moved across the worker’s position would cause incidental switching of the motor. 

Some instances indicated that in an effort to perfectly position the lift table, the worker would feather start/stop operation, exacerbating the situation. E Tech Group’s extensive experience in material handling automation gave us the perspective necessary to accommodate the human part of the process by altering the machine response.

The Solution: A Signal-Delay Timer Takes Stress Off the Motor

To remedy this, initially a VFD-based solution was recommended. But we felt a solution with a delay timer that negates the signal from the foot pedal for a short time, stopping the on/off signals would provide a better, more long-term resolution to their issue. Stewart Brinkoeter, our fabrication manager, partnered with our Ohio team to finalize and implement this solution in one facility for a test run.   

The Result: Less Cost, Less Downtime, No Loss of Functionality

Just an hour and a half of downtime and less than a third the cost of a new motor, the table was functioning flawlessly and the associate working with the test unit did not discern any loss of functionality.  Because of its success, this solution will now be implemented across multiple distribution centers. E Tech Group continues to work with our partners at Wynright to ensure these system updates are performed seamlessly across facilities.


The surge in e-commerce operations and expedited shipping demands have caused unprecedented challenges for distribution centers. To keep the pace, many distribution centers are implementing automation solutions to maximize system throughput and reduce fault recovery time. For a global leader in parcel services, it was mission-critical to develop an extensive fault monitoring and package flow control scheme. The parcel services leader commissioned another company to develop PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) programs for their multiple sortation systems; however, the engineering team was challenged with a tight timeline and limited availability. E Tech Group was engaged to quickly develop and troubleshoot the PLC programs as well as lead the system startup and testing.


To foster seamless parcel routing and pinpoint system abnormalities, their parcel operations required extensive fault monitoring and suppression for Human Machine Interface (HMI) animation and fault logging, conveyor operation, as well as package flow rate tracking. One aspect of maximizing throughput required the monitoring of package flow to adjust the feed rates for optimal input supply without exceeding the max system capacity. Maintaining throughput also relates to fault recovery times. “Proper fault suppression is a result of monitoring the status of every circuit breaker, Ethernet adapter, VFD status, power supply status, and all IO cards in the local and field racks.” explains Vimal Sandhu, E Tech Group Senior Controls Engineer about the importance of a fault isolation system.  “For example, if a particular circuit breaker tripped, the loss of power may cause the PLC(s) to lose communications with numerous field devices. This can result in anywhere from 1 to 100+ unique faults displayed on the HMI. With proper fault suppression logic in the PLC, only the circuit breaker fault will be displayed. With fault suppression, troubleshooting time is greatly reduced which not only helps maintenance, but also aids in reducing system downtime.”

Experienced in PLC program development with sortation and conveyor machinery, E Tech Group prioritized the commission of the primary sorter systems which included diagnosing and correcting errors in the newly developed logic followed by extensive testing. Once completed, the team promptly set up the communication between the PLC and the customer’s warehouse management system. E Tech Group then proceeded with the setup of the numerous conveyor belts that were required to run with the package tracking logic.


With changes satisfactorily completed to the primary sorter systems, E Tech Group was able to direct the former lead engineering team to update the subsequent systems. E Tech Group stayed onboard to support further testing as well as commission the remaining parts of the primary sorter line. Within a few months, the system became fully operational with E Tech Group’s programming support. The parcel services leader was able to fully maximize its large scale distribution center operations, and E Tech Group was later invited to lead the development, startup, and testing of the second phase which included an additional five sortation systems.


Co-packing allows consumer packaged goods manufacturers faster turnaround times, greater flexibility, and often significant cost savings over doing it themselves. Successful co-packing relationships are based on good communication and the ability to measure, benchmark, and validate performance. When the largest independent beverage co-packer was facing data acquisition challenges from their manual performance monitoring system, the company needed to find an automated solution that could monitor real-time operations across its manufacturing sites.


The customer had been shopping around for this project. Others had quoted new “out of the box” options that included additional sensors & equipment, extended implementation times, and very lofty price tags.  After building confidence and rapport through our Emergency Service Support visits, E Tech Group was asked to submit a proposal to deploy a robust data acquisition strategy that delivered an automated real-time performance monitoring system.

The customer was already using the Ignition industrial application platform from Inductive Automation. Ignition is developer-friendly and designed to be maintained at the customer level. The customer owns the data, and it is exportable in multiple formats. There are no subscription fees, so the ongoing maintenance costs are very low. Instead of adding another system like others had proposed, the E Tech Group team innovated the solution to expand on Ignition’s unlimited and fully customizable system that could efficiently provide real-time data to monitor performance.


E Tech Group’s Senior Controls Engineer certified in Ignition designed an automated downtime performance monitoring and reporting system that would give the beverage co-packer visibility to metrics across multiple locations. Aiming to utilize existing sensors to save on hardware costs, several programmable logic controllers would need reprogramming. Remote development enabled E Tech Group to accomplish this without site visits, increasing their efficiency and the implementation time. Effectively employing this agile system resulted in significant cost savings for the beverage co-packer and provided the necessary tools to take their business to the next level.