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Production health is a synergy between availability, performance, and quality. Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is the gold standard to measure these metrics and can help identify early signs of production issues with modern software solutions. This was the challenge for a leading supplier of almond products who needed to find a better way to monitor the real-time efficiency of their lines as well as record production line problems as they occurred. The almond supplier also wanted to own this data and not rely on outside data hosting resources since these often limit extensive data archives. E Tech Group was engaged to upgrade the almond supplier’s performance monitoring system given their experience with the platform, OEE, and database structures.


The almond supplier requested E Tech Group convert their existing production system to Ignition, an industrial application platform from Inductive Automation, to standardize their SCADA architecture due to its scalability and intuitive design features. The customer requested the project be expedited within a very tight timeline and E Tech Group was ready to put boots on the ground.

E Tech Group provided connection programing to ensure assets were properly tracked in the Allen-Bradley PLCs using Studio 5000 Logix Designer in addition to the Ignition system using the Perspective module.  This supported the customer’s ability to have a personalized visualization system that could monitor, control, and record their industrial applications in real-time across any mobile device.

The E Tech Group team set up a database that could effectively log information in an organized manner and enabled seamless data extraction. This structure was difficult to develop from scratch due the high-level of efficiency desired when querying the data. The E Tech Group team engaged their Ignition specialists to configure and connect the SQL database structure with Ignition’s transaction groups and this was later proved to be highly efficient.   


The project was completed in three months and the Ignition Perspective module is currently being tested by the customer. The project deployed seamlessly given E Tech Group’s proactive collaboration with the almond supplier. The Ignition platform enabled the customer to track shift start and end times as well as monitor the shift time efficiency. E Tech Group’s Ignition specialists leveraged their in-depth expertise to support the conversion to the Ignition platform, enabling a strong performance monitoring system that could properly track, store, and visualize data to support the customer’s OEE.


Quality control can be a significant challenge in the food and beverage industry. One small error in the batch production of products can compromise quality, consistency, and brand reputation. To be successful, beverage facilities rely on batch production and pasteurization solutions so processes can be repeatable within close tolerances as well as scalable to reach large production volume needs. The setup of these solutions are often complex which cause beverage manufacturers to seek support to avoid costly downtime, inferior batch quality, or poor data acquisition capabilities for regulatory reporting.  This was the challenge for a global drink manufacturing leader who needed support setting up a new production line that included batching, pasteurizing, and bottling capabilities with a dedicated Clean-In-Place (CIP) system. E Tech Group was engaged to support the development of a new juice and tea production system at one of the customer’s large production facilities in North America.


The customer needed a repeatable batching system and a near zero liquid loss pasteurizer to maximize the available uptime of their system.  The E Tech Group team knew that understanding the customer’s system performance expectations, including cycle times, volumes, and other company-specific production conditions, would be key to develop the logic needed for optimal system utilization.

The team applied the robust AG5 project methodology approach, collaborating with the customer to develop tools for their batching system based on prior operator challenges. For instance, the Human-Machine Interface (HMI) was developed using Wonderware software and designed to be an informative interface for plant personnel without an overwhelming visualization of data. Reports were also routinely generated to provide the customer details about each product run related to batching and pasteurization.

The E Tech Group team developed logic to manage system sequencing using the ControlLogix Programable Automation Controller. An Actuator Sensor Interface (AS-i) networking solution was applied and integrated with the industrial Ethernet structure, enabling an intelligent control system to include smart valve monitoring.  The CIP system was fully automated and tested, which enabled circuits to pass inspection after the first run and did not require repeated cycles to clean the system properly.  Furthermore, the pasteurizer process was developed with modular phasing to allow the system to switch seamlessly between machine states based on current operational needs.


The entire project was completed in nine months; three months to develop, three months to commission and test, and three months to monitor. The system has been running for over a decade and, since it’s completion, the global drink manufacturer has frequently requested E Tech Group as their trusted automation partner to support further upgrades and adjustments in addition to other production lines.


Olive oil production relies on robust storage systems. Storage systems that have inadequate controls against light, heat, and oxygen exposure can compromise the freshness of olive oil products and result in considerable production loss for olive oil manufacturers. To combat this, olive oil companies commonly use temperature controlled and light-protected stainless steel tanks to safely store the olive oil until it’s ready to be bottled. Any mismatch in storage capacity to olive oil production presents a manufacturing bottleneck and loss of profits. For one of the largest olive oil producers in California, the ability to scale their business relied on a robust storage system to expand their olive oil processing capabilities. Industry partner Barnum Mechanical Inc. teamed up with E Tech Group to support the company’s storage system needs.


With the desire to expand their olive oil production, the customer needed a new storage tank farm with greater capacity. The project team assessed existing equipment, current system requirements, and collaborated with various stakeholders to best plan the storage tank system, keeping safety, maintenance processes, and future expansion capabilities top-of-mind. The team interfaced Rockwell Automation ControlLogix PLCs with Wonderware software to support a high-performance control platform with intuitive process visualization. An ifm Actuator Sensor Interface (AS-i) networking solution was designed and integrated in the PLC to simplify wiring efforts with various storage system sensors and save significant time during the installation process, notably as an alternative to conventional point-to-point wiring. Additionally, at the time of this project, it was believed that the team created the largest AS-i network in North America given the extensive networking applications needed for the customer’s large industrial environment.

The team also integrated a Clean-In Place (CIP) system in the controls engineering design to better support production uptime, product quality, employee safety, and cost-effective maintenance. The CIP system provided an automated method to clean interior surfaces of the process equipment without having to disassemble the system for future cleanings. The CIP system was integrated with all storage tanks and transfers to each tank from the olive oil extraction process.


The project and process were a complete success. The customer was able to sufficiently store their increased production of olive oil and then some. The project team was thrilled to have the opportunity to support the new storage tank system and optimize their process environment with a CIP system. With the greater storage capacity, the customer was able expand their product into new geographies and gain greater market share.


Distilled spirits have complex processing needs. To stay competitive, spirit producers often turn to batch processing and blending solutions to improve their operational agility; however, this can be compromised as their systems become outdated. This was the case for a global leader in the spirits industry who needed to update their existing blending system to better support recipe management, faster quality verification, and adaptive ingredient delivery. The global spirits leader engaged E Tech Group and their industry partner Barnum Mechanical Inc. to provide a turnkey solution given their collective process design and control system integration expertise.


The first step was to understand the customer’s recipes and batch execution methods. This included their ingredient applications, equipment processes, and final product expectations. The project team introduced the customer to ISA-88 batch process management; a set of standards published by the International Society of Automation (ISA) for managing batch control systems. It divides a batch process into a hierarchy of subdivisions to better optimize the utilization of assets and operational performance. 

Using the ISA-88 standard, the project team divided the production environment into logical blocks to separately analyze units, equipment, and control modules. With these separated, the sequencing of the process could be well-outlined and then proven for accuracy and reliability. The project team utilized Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Batch and View Site Edition networked software to provide seamless integration across all aspects of the system. The team also integrated electrical design and automated reporting solutions for classified areas to help safeguard assets, equipment, and people. Once completed and thoroughly tested, the project team stayed onboard to train operations staff on how to quickly adapt to the updated system and take advantage of its enhanced features.


The complex project lasted eighteen months to design, develop, commission, and decommission the existing system.  E Tech Group and Barnum Mechanical Inc. enjoyed the opportunity to collaboratively leverage their process knowledge to design the batching and CIP systems, as well as support PLC and HMI programming.  For the global spirits leader, the updated system supported increased productivity with greater system reliability in addition to improved quality with more precise control strategies using ISA-88 standards.