The Importance of an IT/OT Assessment
This article was written by Matt Smith, E Tech Group Network Engineer, and originally appeared on Automation World. Click here to view it. An IT/OT assessment is an inventory of all operations technology assets that are necessary for production. This assessment provides the foundation for ensuring your equipment is connected, secured, monitored, working efficiently, and running up-to-date firmware. Because so much equipment on a production floor runs different types and versions of software and firmware, it is common for engineering managers to lack a full understanding of the state of the equipment currently in operation. They may have limited knowledge of all devices’ ages and stages in their lifecycle, the version of the firmware being run, and how to connect the device to their larger network. Sometimes even the physical whereabouts of certain operations technology (OT) assets is unclear. With this uncertainty, it is difficult to measure and suggest meaningful improvements for overall production line efficiency. It is also challenging to determine areas of high cybersecurity exposure and risk. As a result, capital planning becomes a murky task, lacking the required data to make fully informed decisions on the best areas of investment. To get a handle on this kind of disjointed environment, the first step to take is to complete a full accounting of all equipment in operation using automated and onsite data collection methods. This is referred to as an IT/OT assessment. Documenting assets In an IT/OT assessment, each piece of equipment is evaluated to obtain information such as: Firmware revision is currently in operation. IP address. Network location. Communication across the network. Frequency of packet errors. General performance compared to expected performance. Once collected, this data can be used to make fully informed, rather than speculative planning decisions. Recommendations can then be given for how best to move forward with problem area … Continued