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Download our beginner’s guide to IT/OT Assessments and Remediation which covers the process, benefits, and how to get started today.

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An IT/OT Risk Assessment with E Tech Group is the complete inventory of a facility’s control systems and IT Infrastructure. Compiling this directory allows for the facility to better plan, budget, and account for future remedial work.

What are the steps of an assessment?

  • An E Tech Group representative will walk your facility, open panels and take pictures of each control panel.
  • Virtually an E Tech Group IT team member will scan the plant’s network
  • Data from the site walk and network scan will be compiled and analyzed with each piece of equipment receiving a rating. All the information will be presented in a comprehensive client report.
  • E Tech Group will present and review the report to the client.  Based on the report the client can determine their next steps.

What are the benefits?

  • The assessment will grade each panel and the network for vulnerability and obsolescence, helping the client determine what is the highest priority.
  • Identify and create an organizational structure between IT and OT departments
  • Develop a plan for improving cybersecurity and proactively protect from potential security threats.
  • Create a long term plan for capital investment and planning.

What happens after the assessment is complete?

  • After the risk assessment is complete the next steps remain the client’s decision. The client report will allow for easy evaluation to determine the most immediate and highest top-priority items.
  • E Tech Group would love to assist with future work, we can be involved in the remedial work as much or as little as you would like