Bridge the Gap between IT and OT

An IT/OT Risk Assessment with E Tech Group is the complete inventory of a facility’s control systems and IT Infrastructure. Compiling this enables a facility to quickly prioritize, effectively budget, and plan long-term remedial work. E Tech Group helps IT and OT stakeholders navigate the evaluation and mitigation process. Our expert technology-agnostic team provides deep IT and OT experience, focusing on fact vs emotion while building a collaborative environment with a shared purpose.

  • An E Tech Group professional will walk your facility, open panels, and take pictures of each control panel.
  • Virtually an E Tech Group IT team member will scan the plant’s network.
  • Data from the site walk and network scan will be compiled and analyzed with each piece of equipment receiving a rating. All the information will be presented in a comprehensive client report.
  • E Tech Groups IT & OT specialists will comprehensively review the report’s findings with the client.   Making expert recommendations that allow the client to set their next steps.

  • Reduced Downtime
  • Reduced Insurance Premiums
  • Increased Cybersecurity Protection
  • Knowledge of the current state of all Assets – Machines, Servers, PLCs, HMIs, Drives, Panels
  • Informed planning for future maintenance budgets
  • Remediation Recommendations and Estimates
  • Informed, Multi-Year Capital Planning
  • Supportive IT OT Relationship, leveraging the best skill sets
  • Real-time Visibility Assess Your System Anytime All the Time Know What Happened
  • Road mapping the journey through inclusive workshops
  • IT and OT Cybersecurity Active Threat Hunting
  • Patching and Optimizing Existing Hardware Configuration
  • WIFI Private 4G/5G Assessment/Design/ Implementation and Support
  • Network Redundancy Matched to Process Automation Real-time Requirements
  • Low-Cost Solutions Installed Quickly and Correctly
  • Practical Secured Routable Segmentation
  • Broadcast Storm Prevention Solutions
  • PLC and HMI Security Solutions
  • Cybersecurity Risk Reduction
  • Operational Analytics
  • PTP Design Integration
  • Cloud Migration Audits
  • After the risk assessment is complete the next steps remain the client’s decision. The client report will allow for easy evaluation to determine the most immediate and highest top-priority items.
  • E Tech Group would love to assist with future work, we can be involved in the remedial work as much or as little as you would like
The alignment of IT and OT is a critical step on the path to Industry 4.0 and BEYOND. E Tech Group excels in balancing security, visibility, and OT device management.
Risk Mitigation Solutions that Ensure OT Uptime
Operational Analytics through Digital Transformation
Implementation of Proven and Emerging Security Technologies
Download our beginner’s guide to IT/OT Assessments and Remediation which covers the process, benefits, and how to get started today.

Our Expertise in Action

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