E Tech Group Engineering Manager Presenting in Plant Engineering Webcast
E Tech Group Engineering Manager, Steve Scheffler co-presented a Plant Engineering Webcast called: Motors and Drives: Are you advancing automation efficiencies with smarter components and systems? The presentation discussed how a more efficient motor in automation applications can help advance efficiency goals. A smarter variable frequency drive (VFD) also can add efficiency to automated implementations. Motion-control designs can help reduce friction. Don’t overlook overall system-level design for motion-control efficiencies that can advance energy savings, sustainability efforts, maintenance and realize other benefits. The learning objectives for this webcast are: Automation and engineering professionals can earn 1 Certified Professional Development Hour (PDH) upon successful completion of an exam. E Tech Group is committed to advancing the manufacturing industry through innovation in the automation sector. Our engineers and IT professionals always strive to further their professional development as well as the development of colleagues and partners via industry forums like these. To learn more about E Tech Group news and knowledges, visit our blog or browse our case studies.